We downplay our gifts...oh that thing I can do...everyone can do that. Can you imagine a doctor not practicing and serving others because she thought anyone could perform brain surgery....UM NO...she is using her gifts to serve the world....her very specific love of medicine and helping others drives her practice. We need doctors! In the same sister is a therapist. She loves on people through listening...truly listening to the cries of people's hearts, the aches, the pain, the joys and the celebrations. The world needs this...even if we all pretend we don't...we need to be listened to and healed through love and patience. My sister has been given a gift and she is sharing that gift with the world.
I too have a gift. As do you. This is not something to be ashamed of or hide. It is just a reality. I have a gift to simplify things that can be quite complex for others. I have a passion for people. My heart beats fast when I help someone find freedom and peace in their home...whether it be as simple as clearing a counter or purging an entire dining room of things you didn't even know were in there. It brings great joy to my heart to help someone literally be able to breathe again and not enter their home feeling stressed. Not everyone is like this. If I were to look back at my life...very specific times come back when I felt true joy and contentment. Those times are the ones I want to bring to life every day, in my own life and in yours. Those are the times I want to share with others so they might experience the same joys.
My WHY...I believe that ridding our lives of unnecessary items, tasks and demands helps us to live for what truly brings us to life and makes us live on purpose. By quieting chaos around us, we can focus on what matters most. Not everyone can do this on their is okay to admit that...but I am here to help. My WHY is you!
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