Tip #1 It is okay to say NO to someone who wants to give you something they no longer want.
People are extremely generous. It makes me so happy and sometimes surprises me. The kindness of the people in my life flat out floors me sometimes. I can't tell you how many times we have been given something that means so much or was a beautiful gift or gesture. Giving is beautiful....
That's not what this is about....
This is about the things that someone is trying to purge from their own life...but needs someone else to take it to justify their not needing it anymore. This is about someone else decluttering and thinking they know what you need. This is about accepting someone else's things...that you know you do not want...but you feel the need to tiptoe around them so as to not hurt their feelings.
I am giving you permission. You can say no to these random items that will just fill a space in your home and then you will find it 5 years later and think...I really did not want this. I felt guilt for not taking this because it meant so much to....insert person. It must not have meant that much because it is now in your home....not theirs.
I know you are thinking about some of these items in your home at this very moment...
GO...GRAB THEM...and purge. It will all be ok. You are not a dumping ground.
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