Simplify your Life with...


I was just talking to friends the other night about something that has seriously helped simplify my mornings!  Something so small but so big in the stress department of life.  Let me share with you a little something in hopes it might help some of you as well.....introducing.....

Now some of you are like...." you live under a rock!" and others are as intrigued as I was.  

I am not a food person.  I hate cooking.  I don't love being in a kitchen really unless I am painting it or eating food that someone else cooked in it or helping someone purge all the things in it.  I have faced my reality and accepted this about myself.  Meal planning and doing things ahead of time have never been my strong suites either.

At the end of the summer, knowing I was going to be working this school year...I knew I needed to address the stress of making lunches.  Total first world problem but real none the less.  If I was going to have to start getting all 4 kids out the door every morning and have myself looking half way decent...I know a plan had to be put in place.

Insert....Bento boxes.  I'm in love.

We are 2 months into this new addition to our school year routine and I am so grateful I bought these.  Here is what I do and things I discovered along the way.

Every Sunday, I grocery shop which is also a change that has been really helpful for our week.  I gather everything I will need for a weeks time and really only go to the grocery once which is amazing when you loathe grocery shopping.  After I shop for all the things, I bring them home and right after I unload......I make all the lunches.  Everything is out and ready to go.  I have 10 boxes which 5 go to Evan and 5 go to Zoe.  Making the 10 lunches takes me about 20 minutes.  Once they are packed...I stack them in the fridge and the kids get their boxes every morning from the fridge as they are getting ready for school.  Amazing!


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