Tip #11 Look Around

Buying things can be therapeutic for some.  It also can be a coping mechanism for others.  You buy because you are happy or sad or bored (You are welcome, Amazon).  

But everything in your home cost something, whether you bought it or it was given to you.  Some people justify spending habits with...oh well it was on sale or I bought it in bulk and saved money. Some people give things because they bought it and can't seem to let go, so they give it to some one else.  

This tip is just a reminder to be intentional in your life.  It is simply stating that whether you realize it or not, every single item in your home takes up space and takes energy from you.  Yes it may be down in a basement or behind a closet door....but one day you will have to make a decision about it (energy).  Be intentional about what you allow to come into your home and what you spend your hard earned money on.

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